Please read the below information carefully before submitting your request.
Owners/Agents in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program may request a rent increase after the initial 12 month lease term. After the first year, annually at recertification, rents may be increased if the owner gives at least 60 calendar day’s written notice to the family and Pinal County Housing Authority (PCHA) prior to the annual recertification date. The notice shall state both the new rental amount and the date from which the increased rent is payable.
Upon receipt of your completed request form, PCHA will process your request to determine if the requested rent is reasonable in comparison with unassisted units in the private market. If your request is approved the rent increase will be effective at the next lease renewal date or the date the change is to take place after the initial 12 month lease term. If your requested rent is not reasonable in comparison with comparable units in the private market PCHA will deny your rent increase.
Requests for rent increases must be submitted 60 days prior to the effective date. Effective dates must start on the 1st of the month.
If there is a change in utilities, the tenant and landlord must complete a Utility Change Request form and enter into a new Lease and Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract.
This form must be completed in its entirety with all required signatures. Incomplete requests may be denied.
Owners must be in compliance with all obligations under the HAP contract, including compliance with the housing quality standards.
Owners should review the area rental market prior to requesting an adjustment to the contract rent. The reasonableness analysis conducted by PCHA may yield results equal, higher, or lower than the current contract rent.
PCHA may limit and/or deny rent increase requests due to funding availability or restrictions. Please allow 45 days for the PCHA to review and respond to your request.